Short Friending Meme :)

Here are just a few questions that I'll answer so if anyone is reading the things I post they know a bit more about me.

Name: Sam
Age: 14 (I know - but I'm almost 15, does that count?)
Location: USA
When did you learn to read? Hm. Probably around the time I started going to school which was when I was 5.
Favorite book genres: Well, I read a lot of YA (shocker) and the other genres of YA such as YA paranormal and YA paranormal romance. I also really like contemporaries, New Adult romance, Adult romance, a little bit of fantasy, things like that. *I'm not sure if I capitalized those right at all* xP
Do you write as well? I do.
Do you read fanfiction?  I do not, but I'm not against it in anyway as long as they are writing it legally.
Other interests: I really like music, video games (I'm learning the ins and outs of gaming atm), anime, being outside, intelligence in people, and I like having philosophical conversations with others.

Well, there's that. Enjoy and peace out, my bros. I think I have a new "outro" going on here. x]