Attachements Review

Attachments - Rainbow Rowell

*This contains a few spoilers*

I've been meaning to review this book since I read it, but I just haven't gotten around to doing so. Anyway, I loved this book. I am starting to think that Rainbow Rowell is becoming one of my favorite authors. I've read all three of her books and loved each one. I think I like this book as much as Eleanor & Park, which is fine because it's literally RIGHT under Fangirl. Alright, now I shall actually move to the reviewing part.


There were minor things I didn't like about this book. It wasn't even that I didn't like them, I just liked them less. A lot of people have said that this book starts off really slow. I disagree with this. I think the book started off great, however, it just took Lincoln and Beth a LONG time to meet. They met within I believe the last 50 pages of the book. I would have liked to see more interaction between them and perhaps to see them go on a date or two before hand. I can see where this book can be slightly misleading, for overall I believe this book focused a lot more on Lincoln himself rather than Lincoln and Beth together. Regardless, this book is rather enjoyable beside the, what, one or two things I just mentioned above?


I loved all the characters. Well, almost. I can't say I loved Sam, but I felt like she was an important part of the story. Jennifer and Beth were hilarious with their emails. The way Jennifer was about being pregnant and how Beth just wanted to get married. I couldn't really bring myself to dislike Chris. I honestly liked him as a character. I feel that he honestly wasn't just ready for a real commitment. Justin and Lincoln's relationship was a good one as well. Overall, I really enjoyed these characters. 


This book was a cute little contemporary about older people. I really liked that, too; that they were older than just 17-18. I recommend this book to anyone who wants a quick fun read.