I'm horrible at this >_

I realize that I may not have a bunch of people reading any of the things I post (which frankly isn't really anything), but I feel I need to apologize for my absence anyway. I haven't been reading much. I just now finished City of Heavenly Fire as in yesterday. >_< I know, I know, I did that one post about how excited I was about it and it took me a MONTH to read the damn thing. It wasn't that anything about that book was bad, haha, in fact that book was AMAZING. I just never took the time to sit and READ it through and through. I wasn't in any sort of reading slump; I, again, just never took the time to sit down and read it. So, because of all this not reading a bunch I didn't have anything to put up on here. Okay, okay, I lied, I MIGHT have forgotten about this site. v__v I'm truly sorry, but now I will try to make more frequent appearances on here. Currently I am reading Shattered by Kevin Hearne. It is book seven in the Iron Druid Chronicles and has started along nicely. I'm reading it on my Kindle and I'm about 13% into it. All right, so I'm going to stop here because I have an idea of another post I can put up really fast. One of the people I am following (it's called following, right?) put it up and I'm going to do it. ^_^ Peace, my bros.